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Tired of spending a lot of time at the gym? Tired of constant trips to workouts? Spending too much money on memberships? Then the InterAtletika ST055.1 Elite wall bars are exactly what you need. A great option for your own home gym.

Having spent money on this machine once, you will forget about all the inconveniences you experienced when visiting gyms. You will be able to keep fit at any time convenient for you, without experiencing discomfort or depriving yourself of time. The wall bars will help you keep almost all your muscles in shape.

The workouts will help strengthen your spine and develop your joints. The machine is universal, the age category and level of physical fitness do not matter at all. If you are new to training, of course, you should not overexert yourself too much until your body gets used to regular physical activity. After a couple of weeks of constant training, you will be able to use it to its full potential.

- Type: Swedish wall for adults
- Wall construction: stationary
- Rack material: metal
- Crossbar material: ABS plastic
- Wall mounting type: to the wall/ceiling spacer (optional)

Ladder width, mm 670
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Swedish wall InterAtletika ST055.1 Elite

SKU IAHM-22388
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12 month warranty
